Riya got married in April 2023. After the wedding, she and her husband eagerly started planning for a baby. However, Riya's periods were infrequent, arriving only every 2-3 months. Concerned, she visited a gynecologist and was diagnosed with PCOS. She tried homeopathy for several months, but it only provided temporary relief; her periods came only while she was on the medication and stopped once she ceased taking it. Frustrated and stressed, Riya discontinued the treatment.

The couple felt immense pressure, especially with people around them saying that PCOS would prevent Riya from conceiving. The stress was overwhelming, affecting Riya deeply.

One day, Riya's husband saw an ad for Gynoveda on Facebook and discussed their PCOS treatment with Riya. They decided to give it a try and ordered the products online. Riya started with Myrha Vamha and, to her delight, she got her period on October 6th after four long months. She was overjoyed and hopeful again.

During the four months of waiting, Riya was anxious about her periods not arriving. She reached out to Gynoveda’s customer support, who reassured her that such delays are common with PCOS and to remain patient. She also started taking Jeehv tablets. In November, when she missed her period again, Riya feared the worst. She contacted the support team, who suggested taking a UPT test. To her astonishment, the test showed two faint lines. She shared the news with the Circle of Sisterhood community, and Gynoveda doctors confirmed the positive result, advising her to get a blood test for confirmation.

Riya visited her local gynecologist for a blood test and received the joyous news in November 2023 that she had conceived. On July 8, 2024, she delivered a cute baby boy named Devansh.

She shared that after starting Gynoveda's medications, her mood swings vanished, and she felt much better. Throughout her pregnancy, she took Iron Folic supplements and reported a healthy and smooth pregnancy journey.

Riya was so impressed with Gynoveda's results that she recommended it to her brother and sister-in-law. Her husband also started taking Gynoveda's Fat Burner tablets. Both couples followed the Gynovedic diet during their planning phase to maintain their health.

Thanks to Gynoveda, Riya and her family are now complete and extremely happy. She enthusiastically recommends Gynoveda to anyone facing PCOS or pregnancy issues, sharing her story of hope and success with everyone she knows.

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